valuer|valuers in English


['val·u·er || 'væljʊə(r)]

one who values, appraise

Use "valuer|valuers" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "valuer|valuers" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "valuer|valuers", or refer to the context using the word "valuer|valuers" in the English Dictionary.

1. Valuers and loss assessors

2. The answer to my hon. Friend's question is that of course those are relevant considerations for valuers to take into account.

3. If the society chooses to use its own employee, then there is no separate contract between the valuer and the borrower.

4. En tant que Bijoutier ou bijoutière; tu seras responsable de fabriquer, monter, réparer et évaluer des bijoux de qualité

5. The Apix platform focusses on delivering best practice to valuers and has been customised to support those who need to undertake high-quality, accurate property research to produce reports

6. 22 "Historically, we know that Napoleon had had toothache in 1816 and this was put down to a mouth inflammation diagnosed as scurvy , " valuer Chris Albury said.

7. Re´sume´ : Pour s’attaquer au danger que repre´sente l’accumulation des Combustibles, plusieurs traitements des Combusti-bles ont e´te´ applique´s dans les foreˆts se`ches, mais il y a eu peu d’occasions d’e´valuer l’efficacite´ de ces traitements lors d’incendies de foreˆt.